What Is The Best WordPress Web Hosting? Hint… It’s a Hidden Gem!

Wondering what the best WordPress web hosting is? I have the answer for you, and it's a hidden gem of web hosting! This WordPress web host is not GoDaddy… It's Not BlueHost… And it's Not HostGator! Drumroll, please…

The Best WordPress Web Hosting is found nestled in an online community called Wealthy Affiliate! With Wealthy Affiliates WordPress web hosting you get much more than just your every day hosting account. I can't wait to tell you about all the excellent features you get with their website hosting, and along with the hosting you get so much more it's almost too good to be true, but it's true! VERY TRUE!!

Wealthy Affiliates WordPress Web Hosting Features

With Wealthy Affiliates hosting you get so much for such a small price take. It truly is a hidden gem in a jungle of WordPress web hosting. The following is some main features you get with Wealthy Affiliates hosting.

  • 24/7 Managed Monitoring – There are people behind the scenes, monitoring your websites every hour of the day. These fine folks are making sure your website is up and running at all times. They are truly dedicated to your success!
  • 24/7 Automated Monitoring – Having automated monitoring means your website is secure, fast and online running at optimal performance and time. 100's of potential issues are continually monitored giving you peace of mind.
  • 24/7/365 Site Support – Wealthy Affiliates site support is the best in the business. Any questions or concerns will be answered around the clock every day of the year. Also, you are usually answered with 5 minutes! Now that's fast I know because I'm a customer of Wealthy Affiliate and they have never let me down on speed and getting to the bottom of my issues.
  • Virus & Malware Protection – You don't need to worry about viruses getting to your website. The Wealthy Affiliate hosting has layers of protection in their SiteProtect platform. Along with the 24/7 managed monitoring, you can rest assured your WordPress site will be safe and secure. I have never had a virus issue ever with Wealthy Affiliates hosting.
  • Lightning Fast Servers – The servers that Wealthy Affiliate uses for their hosting are some fastest in the industry. This allows your website to load at high speeds. Search engines love fast sites, and this will help in the ranking of your website in the search engine results page!

==>Get Your WordPress Hosting Here<==

Website Platform – SiteRubix

Site Rubix

Wealthy Affiliate uses a website platform called SiteRubix. SiteRubix is a state-of-the-art platform to host your WordPress website on. You will find building a website a breeze using the SiteRubix platform. Bring your creative ideas and online business to life! The following is some many features that this platform has to offer.

Stupendous Functionality

The needs of your website will grow and change as you scale over time. SiteRubix provides the functionality necessary to help make those needs easy to implement on your site. With the thousands of features that SiteRubix supplies you don't need to be a web designer to make it happen. This way you can focus on the other more critical tasks on your website like content creation and growing your customer base.

Mobile-Friendly & Responsive WebsitesMobile Friendly

In this day and age with mobile phones are what people are using to find things online. With the SiteRubix platform, you will have a fast loading time of your websites plus a mobile-friendly website. This is important for retention of potential customers. If your site is slow, you are only a click away from losing that customer. That is the last thing we want to happen.

No matter the screen size your website will look amazing on your viewers' mobile devices. Having this kind of power behind your site keeps you one step ahead of the competition!

The Easiest WordPress Builder On The Planet!

Build your WordPress website with ease on the SiteRubix platform. And with Wealthy Affiliates state-of-the-art cloud-based hosting you have the makings of a robust, fast and powerful WordPress site. You can build an instant website that's added on to the SiteRubix domain, or you can create a premium site on your domain. It's up to you. You will have a highly functional website that you and your visitors will love. Leave the technical stuff up to the pros over at Wealthy Affiliate.

Design a Beautiful Professional WordPress Site

SiteRubix comes with thousands of professional design themes to choose from. Have your hobby or passion come to life with one of the many themes available to you at Wealthy Affiliate. With all these themes at your disposal, you can change the look of your site with ease as your needs change. It's up to. Make the website of your dreams.

Get Your Wealthy Affiliate Hosting Right Here

Suite Of Extras

The hosting at Wealthy Affiliate comes with a suite of extra features that you don't always find with other hosting sites.

  1. Site Manager

    – In Site Manager, you can check the health of your website. Find out when it's last been backed up. How many posts and pages you have on the site. If you have any comments, you can also check your page speeds for mobile and desktop. And much more can be found in the Site Manager feature. Knowing exactly what's going on with your website is; peace of mind.

  2. Site Builder

    – Build the frame of your website with the click of the mouse with Wealthy Affiliates Site Builder feature!

  3. Site Domains

    – Purchase and register domain names with the site domains feature — no need to go to another website to find a great domain name for your WordPress website. Here you can also have your domain names auto-renewed if you want. All your pertinent domain name information is found within this feature.

  4. Site Content

    – This is a powerful word processing platform that you can write your website's content on and publish it straight to your WordPress site. Site Content comes with templates to help you write compelling content. You can set writing goals such as word counts, and you also have the ability to make your own writing templates and save them for use over and over again.

  5. Site Comments

    – With this feature, you can get comments to your website from other members of Wealthy Affiliate. You can also give comments to other members websites and earn points to use to have your website commented on. Comments are a big part of SEO, and you are going to want to use this feature every time you post an article to your website. You can also earn revenue by commenting on other members website. Some members use this feature to pay for their membership to Wealthy Affiliate!

  6. Site Feedback

    – Get feedback for your website from members of Wealthy Affiliate with this feature. This feature works the same as Site Comments but only for feedback on your website. It's an excellent tool for constructive criticism of your website if you are looking for that.

  7. Site Support

    – Get technical support for your website with this feature 24/7/365!

A Whole Community at Your Fingertips

Along with the WordPress hosting at Wealthy Affiliate, you are joining a community of like-minded business professionals. Wealthy Affiliates community has so many great folks that are will to answer any questions that you might have about online business and websites. If you like you can take part in their affiliate marketing training courses and classrooms. Everything you will ever need to know about online business and website building you can find at Wealthy Affiliate. It's all included in the hosting of your website.

No other hosting company comes close to all you get with Wealthy Affiliates WordPress hosting! They also offer a keyword research tool called Jaaxy on the Wealthy Affiliates website. Jaaxy is the most powerful keyword research tool in the world, and you have access to it when you signup for their WordPress web hosting.

The Answer to Your Question… What Is The Best WordPress Web Hosting?

WordPress Web Hosting

The answer is Wealthy Affiliate. To Recap you get:

  • 24/7 Managed Monitoring
  • 24/7 Automated Monitoring
  • 24/7/365 World Class Site Support
  • Virus & Malware Protection
  • Lightning Fast Servers
  • Cloud-Based Hosting
  • SiteRubix Website Platform
  • Mobile-Friendly & Responsive Websites
  • Thousands of Professionally Designed WordPress Themes
  • A Suite of Extras which include – Site Manager – Site Builder – Site Domains – Site Content – Site Comments – Site Feedback and Site Support

You get all that and a community that is like-minded in their pursuit of building online businesses that are solid from the ground up! All the training you need to succeed with your online business and website is also available to you at Wealthy Affiliate. Day or night 365 someone is there to answer any questions you might have about your website or anything business-related for that matter.

What are you waiting for? Hop on over to the Wealthy Affiliate platform and get your WordPress web hosting today. Tomorrow you will have a financially stable website and online business you can be proud of!


Thank you for reading this article. I hope it was informing. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below.

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