Make Money During a Recession – Get Paid Even When Your Job Doesn’t!

Make Money During a Recession

With talk of a recession looming as of late, you are probably wondering how can I make money during a recession? The last recession of 2007 to 2009 was a bad one. Many people lost their jobs or were laid off leaving them wondering what they could do to make money.

Some of those people just scrounged and scraped until the economy got better and many just gave up looking for a job altogether. It sucks having to rely on a company to provide for your well being and finances.

Past Recession Statistics

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research ( the official US bureau that keeps track of recession statistics) explains that there have been 10 United States recessions since 1948.

This doesn't seem like many in that long period of time but the last one ended in June of 2009. If we are talking about having another one soon that's only been 10 years or so, which to me is not much time between recessions. People have just started getting over the last one!

The definition of a recession is as follows:

The NBER does not define a recession in terms of two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP. Rather, a recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. For more information, see the latest announcement from the NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee, dated 9/20/10.


Public Information Office

    • National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA 02138 USA


I don’t know about you but this round of recession at least I think is going to be much worse. I hope not but talk has been for years that the United States economy is going to collapse. That it’s been held up artificially for years. The collapse will eventually come. It's just a matter of how bad and when?

Loss of a Job Can Be Devastating

Job Loss

You work for a company for years and all of a sudden the economy goes bad and you lose everything you have worked so hard for. You lose your job or get laid off. It doesn’t have to be that way.

There are ways to make money online even during a recession. The best time would be now before the recession starts so that you are set and ready when and if a recession hits.

I’m talking about starting an online business in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to make money online. I know that affiliate marketing has been given a bad rap in the last few years. People saying you can’t make money doing affiliate marketing. The people who have said that are those that tried it and quit too soon before they even have given it a chance.

Cory Haasnoot


Make Real Money Online! I Can Show You How With Affiliate Marketing.


It's Not Get Rich Quick

You see affiliate marketing is NOT a get rich quick sort of thing. Starting an affiliate marketing business does take work and time just like any other business out there. But unlike other business models like a brick and mortar type business affiliate marketing had no inventory, overhead or high start-up costs.

If your interested in starting your own affiliate marketing business keep reading. I will explain what you need to get started and how you can get your own online business started in little time and for little cost. When you have the right tools and information, running your own online business is not that difficult to get started and grow!

How Affiliate Marketing Works

how affiliate marketing works

To begin I will explain how affiliate marketing works and what you can expect being an affiliate marketer and owning an online business. What you do is you promote other companies' products and or services using what are called “referral links” or “affiliate links”. You put these links on your web pages through advertisements or in product reviews that you would publish to your website.

When someone visits your website and clicks on the affiliate link that you provide they are taken to the companies web page where the product is being sold. Then if the person buys the product or service on that page you get paid a commission. The commissions vary from company to company. Most affiliate programs pay a commission of 1% up to  75%.

What You Need To Get Started

Like I said earlier it’s not hard to get started if you have the right tools and information. Here’s what you need:

  • Pick a Niche
  • Build a Website
  • Hosting For the Website
  • Join Affiliate Program
  • Promote Your Website Organically by Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Picking a Niche

First, you pick a niche. A niche is a subsection of a bigger industry or category such as outdoors, sports, electronics, cooking. You want to think of something that you are passionate about like a hobby or favorite pastime because you will be starting a business out of it. Sound like fun? It is.

I love building websites about things I enjoy to do and make money from them. One of the best parts of having your own affiliate marketing business is that you can make money if there is a recession going or not.

People are always online buying. When you are shown just how to leverage those people and provide them with a product or service that will solve their problem or need there's no better feeling.

It’s a win-win for you and for your customers. We as the affiliate marketers help solve our customers' problems by providing them with goods and services that help fix those problems. People search online to find answers to issues that they have and we provide solutions.

Building a Website

how to build a website

Twenty years ago building a website was much more complicated then it is today. You use to have to know coding which is basically computer language. Also, you needed to know the technical side of website building. Today it's a totally different ball game and much easier to accomplish.

In this day and age of the internet, it hasn’t ever been easier to build a website. Just a few clicks and WALA you have the basic structure of a website ready for you to fill it full of content that will make you money.

Some people think website building is difficult. It’s not anymore. All the coding and themes are done for you. All you have to do is pick a domain name, pick a theme and push go.

Website Hosting

best website hosting

You will need web hosting for your website. A fast secure website is essential to have a successful online business. I have just the place for you to host your website on some of the fastest servers around and they are secured so your site will be trusted.

Your website is the hub of your online business so top-notch web hosting is a must. The hosting I have in mind has 24/7/365 support. If you have any issues technically with your website you will have answers within minutes and I mean minutes. I will explain where you can get all of this at the end of the article.

The web hosting I have for my websites has the best support. The other day I had a huge technical issue and within 5 minutes the support team responded to my problem. And within 20 minutes they had it fixed! My website had been totally down and they got it up and running within that short period of time. Now that’s fast and incredible support you just don’t find everywhere.

Join Affiliate Programs

Joining an affiliate program so that you can get paid from your website is easy as well. There are thousands of affiliate programs for just about anything that is sold. So no matter what niche you pick there will be a program that you can make money from.

Amazon Associates program is a good one because they have millions of products that you can sell on your website. If you're worried about finding products for your niche don’t, there’s an affiliate program for it.

Wealthy Affiliate the program that I use to run my online businesses has a feature that let’s you search for affiliate programs by niche. There are thousands of affiliate programs you can find right there on their website.

If They Find You They Will Come

how to get website traffic

Once you have your niche picked out, a website up and running you will need to get traffic to it so you can make sales. How do you do that? You may ask. By writing quality content and do SEO or search engine optimization so that your website will rank on the first page of the search engines.

With SEO you essentially optimize the content of the pages you will be creating so that the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo rank your pages on the first page of the search results. You are taught all of this in the program that I’m about to introduce to you.

SEO is not that difficult if you know what you are doing. Once you can rank on the first pages of the search engine the skies the limit for how much traffic and sales that you can receive. You will learn how  big companies do SEO so you will be able to compete in the big leagues.

Introducing Wealthy Affiliate

wealthy affiliate

There is a program that includes everything needed to start an affiliate marketing online business. You will get help for everything from:

Picking a Niche

Building Your Website

Web Hosting

Finding an Affiliate Program

Learning SEO

And much much more! The program is called Wealthy Affiliate. This is a great online community and business hub that I call home for my online businesses. They have everything and anything you need to start and run a successful online business from home.

Live Training Webinars Every Friday Night!

Wealthy Affiliate offers the best online affiliate marketing training around. There is a live training webinar every Friday night. It’s hosted by Wealthy Affiliate very own training coach Jay Neil. You will learn more than you can imagine in such a short period of time just from these live webinars.

And if you happen to miss a webinar no need to worry they are all recorded so you can watch them anytime day or night! There are hundreds of hours of video training available. Everything from SEO to niche website building to technical training. These videos alone are a valuable asset to have on your side.

There are hundreds of online business courses you can utilize for everything that has to do with internet marketing and online business. There are over 100,000 people just like you are building their own online business and doing what they love.

Recession? No Problem!

No need to worry about a recession once you have a profitable online business. You can make money during a recession and not have to worry about losing your job. If you want to get started today you can. I will even help you in the community. And you can test drive Wealthy Affiliate for FREE!

Yes, I said Free. You get a whole week to try Wealthy Affiliate out with all the bells and whistles. If you want to stay as a starter referral for free after the first week that’s fine too. Wealthy Affiliate is great for free or for the premium upgrade. Either way, you get so much from this community. You have to try it out for yourself to believe it.

Like I said if you want to try it out I will help you with everything personally inside the community when you join. Let me help you get your affiliate marketing business started today! Interested? If so Great…




Top Working From Home Ideas Of 2020

Working From Home Ideas

A few decades ago, working from home ideas were highly unprofitable. Very few people were able to work from the comfort of their homes, and at their own risk. Back then, when the internet was just a concept, working from home was very rare. However, today, working from home is a huge benefit for humankind.

You can wake up late and start working ASAP, without wasting precious time dressing up, eating, or commuting to work. You can save up to 4 hours a day on commuting, dressing or eating, by simply staying home. Heck, you can even order food at home with Uber Eats and enjoy a healthy diet without having to waste precious time waiting for your order at the restaurant.

The Internet Has The Potential To Change The Way You Work!

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The internet has opened a whole new array of opportunities and has enabled people worldwide to work from the comfort of their homes. While you can also work for an employer remotely, there are many other more legit opportunities that pop up on the market. These are business opportunities that allow you to make a passive income.

Below are some amazing working from home ideas that you can start in 2019 without any upfront investment or with minimal investment. With enough work and persuasion, you could be able to scale them up and transform them into passive income opportunities. This means you can go on vacation or take mini-breaks and the money would still be coming in.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the top 6 work from home ideas available in 2019.

6 Genuine Working from Home Ideas

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Work From Home Ideas

1 ==> Sell Products Online

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Sell Products OnlineSelling products is a great way to make a passive income for the years to come. You can start selling almost anything you want, including diapers or food. To be successful in this business, you need to inform yourself very well on how to run a business online.

You need to start by looking for an affordable domain, plus hosting. Then, you need to create your own site and make it sales-ready. For example, you can choose WordPress and simply purchase an eCommerce template. You could then install a widget like Ecwid that lets you start selling anywhere, including on social media platforms.

Next on, you need to add other widgets, including a payment gateway. However, that’s just half of the business. The other half involves finding a manufacturer and a dropshipping company. You basically want to create your own brand and have the products shipped from China directly to your buyers’ addresses.

If you choose to go and sell products on Amazon, you can easily capitalize on Amazon’s FBA tool. Amazon promises you to take care of all the delivery and storage in your place. This gives you more time to run your business and advertise your products.

By selling products online, you could become really successful and you could create a 100% passive income. You can hire someone to manage all your products and sales while you go on vacation. However, that lies far away in the future. It takes at least two years to scale up your business and start making over $10k a month.

2 ==> Become a Freelance Writer

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How to Become a Freelance WriterIf you love writing and you already have your own blog, why not use your skills to make real money. There are millions of freelance writers online on sites like iWriter, People per Hour, Fiverr or Upwork. You can become one of them and start making money from the comfort of your home.

In 2019, there is still a huge demand for content. There are millions of small businesses out there looking for fresh content every single day. Moreover, large publishers are eager to pay up to 10x more than the regular rate just to make sure they have access to top-notch writers.

As a writer, you can start small and only work a few hours a day. You can start on several platforms, but note that you need to invest time in order to scale up. After a few months, you can start earning more money for the same word-count. For example, on iWriter, you can earn $7 for 1,000 words as a standard writer, but after two months you can become an elite writer and make $14. If you’re good enough and you get to elite plus, you get $30 for each article. On People Per Hour or Fiverr, you can easily find jobs where you earn $50 for a single piece.

The great news with freelance writing is that you can find any kind of topic that’s of interest to you. You can even write on topics you know nothing about. This allows you to expand your knowledge and fine-tune your writing skills, while also growing your vocabulary. In addition to the financial reward you get by writing articles, blog posts, press releases or eBooks, you also get the reward of knowing that your content is somewhere out there, being read by thousands of people a day.

3 ==> Affiliate Marketing

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Best Affiliate Marketing Training CoursesBeing an affiliate marketer is a surefire way to get rich from the comfort of your home. If you already have a blog or site that ranks high on Google, why not monetize it by advertising other people’s products? You can become an affiliate marketer for tens of thousands of companies or startups today. You can basically find companies offering affiliate services in all niches.

For example, if you have a blog on mental health, start advertising medical and physical products that increase mental health. You get around 25%-30% of every sale, while the rest of it goes to the owner of the product. This is a win-win situation. With affiliate marketing, you can easily earn up to $5,000 a month by simply advertising other people’s products.

Remember that affiliate marketing has the potential to be 100% passive. Once your blog is properly set up, you can rely solely on organic traffic for a long period of time. The converters bring you to profit from the affiliate brand, and you only have to go and collect your paychecks.

If you are serious about starting an affiliate marketing business then you need to check out Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate is an online affiliate marketing community and program that has everything and I mean everything you need to get started and build an online business in affiliate marketing.

==>Give Wealthy Affiliate a Try<==

4 ==> College Consultant

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How to Become a College ConsultantA hot topic today, especially in the US and Canada, are high college prices. If you want to help students save money when applying for college and you know how college paperwork goes, you can create your own business as a college consultant. You can do it all online, without leaving the comfort of your couch.

As a college consultant, you need to be aware of applicant statistics, exam requirements, test preparation, supplemental essay, and financial aid. Many families are willing to pay thousands of dollars to the right guy who can guide their precious child through the maze of, college application process.

5 ==> Audiobook Narrator

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How To Become an AudioBook narratorThe audiobook industry is growing like crazy. Last year alone, it expanded by more than 40%. Sites like, Apple Books or are experiencing a surge in traffic like never before. The demand is definitely there since people have less and less time to read books on their Kindles. Thus, they prefer to listen to books while commuting or while running on the treadmill.

As an audiobook narrator, you can help other people put together their books. You can basically make money by staying at home, in front of your laptop and with a nice microphone in front of you. Expect to make over $2,000 a month as an audiobook narrator.

6 ==> Become Famous on YouTube

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How To Become Famous on YouTubeLastly, this is probably the hottest online business idea in 2019. If you get to the point of being famous on YouTube and you have over 1 million fans and thousands of views on your live streams, then you are probably making over $10k a month, at a minimum. Whether it’s YouTube, Twitch or Instagram, social media influencers make millions from social media.

You can basically create videos about anything. You can share your expert opinions on a certain subject, stream games, promote other people’s brands, advertise services, offer help or solve people’s problems.

If you love being behind the camera, do not be afraid to start your journey towards becoming an influencer. You can even make pranks, record cool videos with your friends or capture gorgeous scenery from other countries. Or you can state your opinion on problems like Brexit, global warming, Mars colonization project, NASA & HAARP secrets, you name it.

YouTube is a platform that is growing like crazy. More and more people prefer to consume videos instead of reading articles, so the market is booming. The best part about being a YouTuber is that you don’t even need to buy an expensive camera. You can simply use your phone for live streams, or use the laptop camera to show certain stuff to your viewers.
On YouTube, you can make over $500k a month after a few years. However, you need a lot of work and dedication to get there.

The Bottom Line

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2019 is an excellent year to implement some of these, working from home ideas. This is the best time to start leveraging the power of the internet and even start making an income while sleeping. You can even combine two methods to make several streams of income.

You can become a writer while also making money as an affiliate. Or you can be an audiobook narrator and also become a famous YouTube personality. Choose what you love to do and start having an income from the comfort of your home.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I hope you found this article informative and thank you for reading!

How to Turn Your Passion Into a Profit – Make Your Dreams Happen!

How To Turn Your Passion Into Profit

Today I'm going to show you how to turn your passion into a profit! We all have passions and hobbies that we enjoy. You could say some of us are experts when it comes to these passions and hobbies. Why not turn those things that we hold dear into money? It can be done! It just takes the know-how and determination to do it. You can make it happen, and in this article, I will guide you in the right direction so that you can do just that.

I will be introducing you to an online community called Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate or WA for short is a community of affiliate marketers who are just like you. They are all taking their passions and hobbies and turning them into online businesses that help them make money from the things that they love and are very knowledgeable about.

==>Join Wealthy Affiliate Today… Profit Tommorrow<==

The WA Community

The Wealthy Affiliate community is a warm and welcoming online affiliate marketing community.  Everyone is eager to help each other out with their online businesses. WA is more like a family than a community.

Any affiliate marketing or business questions get answered usually within minutes any time of day or night. WA also offers live chat and an awesome search bar that has just about any answer you could think of for business-related question.

The WA Opportunity

Wealthy Affiliate is an opportunity of a lifetime when it comes to turning your passion into profit. WA has every tool you need to build a successful, long-lasting online business in any niche you can think of.

It all starts with your passion or hobby, and you build a business around that. You monetize your business by writing quality content and selling products or services via affiliate programs that are based on your passion or hobby.

Finding an Affiliate Program For Your Niche

There are tens of thousands of affiliate programs on the internet. Anything from affiliate programs that offer pet-related merchandise and grooming services to fishing to model trains. If there is a product or service, there is usually an affiliate program to go along with it.

Wealthy Affiliate has an affiliate program finder. This feature makes it easy to find an affiliate program to promote in any niche. All you have to do is type in a keyword that is related to your passion or hobby and WALA you get a list of affiliate programs that you can promote for your online business.

==>Get Your Online Business Started Today<==

Building Your Online Business

Once you have decided on the niche for your business, it’s time to start building that business. You want to come up with a name for your business. Think of something related to the niche you are in. Let’s say your passion is dogs, so you are in the Dog niche. And let’s say you want to focus on dog clothing as your business. You could name your business Dog Suits R US. That would be your business name and brand name.

Now that you have your brand/business name, you need to decide on a domain name for your business. The domain name doesn’t have to be exactly the name of your business but as close as possible.

Wealthy Affiliate has a feature where you can search for domain names that you can purchase right on their platform. You would try, and if that is available, you will choose it and purchase. Domain names are inexpensive on average about $13 a year.

Domain names are one of the most essential parts of an online business because without a domain name you are not in business. The $13 a year is a drop in the bucket compared to the profits that you could potentially earn having an affiliate marketing online business.

==>Ready to Turn Your Passion Into Profit? Click Here<==

WA Even Has Your Web Hosting Covered

Best WordPress Web Hosting

You have your domain name now you are going to need a host for that domain. Wealthy Affiliate has the best WordPress web hosting around. With WA’s web hosting, you can host up to 25 premium domains on servers that are lightning fast! They have you covered with 24/7/365 support. Your website will be monitored day and night by professionals that know how to keep your site up and running so that you never lose the opportunity for a sale.

Your website is also protected around the clock with virus and malware protection. The best part is that the web hosting that WA offers is included in the premium membership of only $49 a month. For $49 a month, you get everything to start and run an online business all on one platform. It’s the best value you will find on the internet or anywhere for that matter.

Need Training? You're Covered!

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All the training you need to start and grow your online business is included in a Wealthy Affiliate premium membership. With WA’s effective affiliate marketing training you will learn exactly what you need to do to turn your passion into a profit. Here’s the training you get at Wealthy Affiliate:

  • Online Entrepreneur Certification – OEC training consists of 5 phases of 50 lessons to get your online business up and running.
  • Affiliate Bootcamp – This training is comprised of 70 lessons geared toward helping you start and grow an online business in the “Make Money Online” niche
  • Training Modules – You get thousands of training modules that community members contribute to every aspect of online business there is.
  • Classrooms – 13 classrooms range from Content writing to how to run a successful PPC campaign.
  • Live Webinars – Every Friday evening, the live Wealthy Affiliate training coach Jay has a live webinar are different topics about affiliate marketing and online business.

When you become knowledgable enough about affiliate marketing, you can get paid to create your training for Wealthy Affiliate. This alone can help you pay for your premium membership.

Are You Ready To Turn Your Passion Into a Profit?

Turn Passions Into ProfitsIf you are ready, a Wealthy Affiliate is the best platform to use to start an online business in affiliate marketing. Turn that passion of yours into a profit and get on the road to financial freedom and time to enjoy whatever you want and when you want.

For $49 a month you get:

  1. The support of an online community of over a million strong. Everyone at Wealthy Affiliate is geared towards running successful online businesses that they are passionate about. If you have a question, you will get an answer usually within minutes if not seconds.
  2. You get WordPress website hosting that is the best in the industry. Have a lightning-fast website for your business that is monitored 24/7/365 days a year. Never miss an opportunity for a sale
  3. The best affiliate marketing training you can find on the internet.
  4. You get me as an affiliate marketing coach when you sign-up for a premium membership. I will personally help you with whatever you need so that you can build and grow an online business that you will be proud of.

That is just a glimpse of all you get as a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate! You get so much more, and for such a low price of $49 a month to run your entire online business from one place, you can't find that anywhere else but at Wealthy Affiliate. You can't put a price on your time and financial freedom but when you can get all that for a low monthly fee of only $49 a month you can't go wrong!

Is It Your Time Too Shine!

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Are you ready to get your online business off the ground? If you are I'm ready to help you!

Everything you need to build and run an online business all in one place. Everyone helps each other out. It's a win-win situation! Let’s turn that passion of yours into a profit today!

==>Join Me at Wealthy Affiliate<==

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. I hope you found this article informative. Thanks for reading!

How To Be Your Own Boss Working From Home – I Can Help!

How To Be Your Own Boss Working From Home

I have a couple of questions for you. Are you tired of your 9 to 5 day job? Are you wondering how to be your own boss working from home?

If you answered yes to both those questions, then you will want to read on. I have found a way to break the 9 to 5, day job struggle that so many of us are trapped in. To get out of the rat race and gain, financial freedom you need to start an online business.

Working for one company your whole life and then being able to retire from it comfortably is a thing of the past. It’s sad, but it’s true! A person can’t rely on the government or another company for their financial well-being when they grow old. The sooner you start working for yourself and building an online business the better you will be set for a financially secure future.

You can’t leave it up to someone else. You need to take action on starting and building an online business that will financially sustain you for the future to come.

==>Becoming Your Own Boss Starts Here<==

Let me help you get from point a to point b so that you can become financially free.

The Opportunity

There’s an online community that has all the tools and support necessary to start and build an online business that will flourish over time. The community that I’m talking about is called Wealthy Affiliate.

If you’re serious about starting an online business so that you can quit that job you hate and become financially secure than you will want to join us. Maybe you like your job but it just isn’t sustaining you economically building an online business is right for you as well.

You can build an online business while you are still working your day job. I did it worked 5 days a week at my day job and worked on my online business a few hours a day after work and on the weekends.

Join Me in Wealthy Affiliate & Let's Get Your Future Started Now

You're Own Personal Business Coach

Affiliate Marketing Coach

As a bonus when you join Wealthy Affiliate from this page, I will be there to help you personally along the way. You're own business coach if you will. That’s right I will be there to help you when you get stuck and have questions about your online business. Not only that but you have all the training and support from a community dedicated to helping each other out, building, and growing their online businesses.

The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Courses

The affiliate marketing training at Wealthy Affiliate is by far the best online business training you will see anywhere on the internet. You start with the Online Entrepreneur Certification training. The OEC training consists of 5 phases and 50 lessons geared towards building and growing an online business in any niche.

Once you complete the OEC training, you can start the Affiliate Bootcamp. Bootcamp training is an in-depth affiliate marketing training platform that consists of 7 phases and 70 lessons. Affiliate Bootcamp guides you through the process of creating a business that is related to the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate. You learn everything from starting and building an online business to how to market your business and even guides you through the creation of PPC campaigns that will help you drive traffic and sales for your online business.


Affiliate Marketing Classrooms

It doesn’t stop there. There are 13 classrooms that teach every aspect of affiliate marketing and business creation. These classrooms are updated with new material so that you will never run out of training and knowledge to build and grow your online business. The classes are as follows:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Authoring & Writing Content
  3. Everything WordPress
  4. WA Affiliate Program
  5. The Wealthy Affiliate Platform
  6. Website Development & Programming
  7. Pay Per Click Marketing
  8. Search Engine Optimization
  9. Social Engagement & Marketing
  10. Keyword, niche and Market Research
  11. Email Marketing
  12. Video Marketing
  13. Local Marketing

The Best WordPress Web Hosting

Best WordPress Web Hosting

Wealthy Affiliate also offers hosting of your website which is included in the premium membership. You can build up to 25 websites with there hosting on lightning-fast cloud-based servers. Your website is looked after and protected 24/7/365. An online business needs this, and your website will be up and running fast all the time.

You can also keep up with the health of your website with the tools that are available at Wealthy Affiliate that monitors every technical aspect of your website. The best part is the Word Press Web Hosting is included in the low premium price of the membership.

Content Writing Platform

As a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you have access to content writing word processor called Site Content. There are templates you can use and or make your own templates. This lets you streamline your content writing. You can set writing goals for yourself within Site Content so you can keep track of how much you are writing and when. Publishing of your content to your website is a breeze because this word processor lets you publish your content right from the Site Content Platform.

I wrote this whole article that you are reading right now in Site Content. It's a great tool to have for your online business!

Your Future Starts Here

Fire Your Boss

With my help, the community, and the training at Wealthy Affiliate you can get yourself out from underneath that boss you can’t stand and that job you can't make ends meet at. Start an online business and get yourself financially secure! You will have peace of mind and be able to do what you want when you want. Let me help you make this happen today!

To recap when you join Wealthy Affiliate, you get my coaching help for your online business. You get all the training and support you need to start and grow a financially viable online business. This will let you eventually can quit your day job and become financially secure. You will be able to actually retire someday and live the life you want to live the way you want to live it.

The hosting of your website is included when you are a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate. Everything you need to succeed is all in one place! Wealthy Affiliate will be your online business home base! Let me help you get started today…

==>Start Your Online Business Here<==

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. Thank you!