Is It Works A Scam? Get Rich Or Go Broke?

Welcome to my It Works Review!

Another multi-level marketing company has made it's name in this continuously rising industry. Like most MLM out there, their focal point is wellness and beauty.

Income potential is UNLIMITED! Yes, you've read it right. They are offering infinite earning opportunities. Sound enticing already?

I introduce you to It Works!

Before we get started I would like to commend you on taking the time to do your due diligence so you don't get taken by all of the scams and rip-offs that are found everywhere on the internet.

That's how you find the legit way to make money online!

I would like you to know that I'm not in any way paid by or associated with It Works. This is an honest review for the purposes of providing you, the consumer the information necessary so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not It Works! is for you!

 IT works Review Summary

it works logo

Product Name: It Works!

Founder:  Mark B. Pentecost

Product Type:  Multi-level Marketing Company

Price:  $99 start-up fee, $80 monthly fee

Best For: anyone who’s willing to work as a direct seller and is fine with networking and building a team of distributors.

Summary: It Works is an MLM company that is focused on the beauty and nutrition niches. In this article, you will find products that It Works offers, how to become a distributor, and finally, if It Works can make you money or leave you broke.

Rating: 70/100

Recommended: No

>>Here's My #1 Recommended Training>>

If you were given the chance to live the life of your dreams as easy as saying yes, I bet you would.

Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as that.

But, what if a company offers you to join them with a promise of letting you live the “American Dream”? Would it suffice to convince you?

It Works is offering that possibility and it is my job to verify that!

Remember that pyramiding schemes offer too good to be true deals and nobody wants to fall into that trap.

What Is It Works?

Like most typical multi-level marketing companies, It Works focuses on beauty and nutrition. By 2001, it was founded by Mark Pentecost. It’s unbelievably amazing how he was a former teacher and coach and now a CEO of a multi-million dollar company.

It Works headquarters is a 50,000 square foot office located in Palmetto, Florida. Also, it has a clean slate of records when it comes to public legal issues. It’s the first MLM company I encountered that hasn’t faced any allegations and lawsuits.

What brought them to its rise in this industry is a body wrap that claims to tone, tighten, and firm any body part you stick it to. This “crazy wrap” they call, could it be legit as it claims to be? Or is it crazy enough to make you become the next “wrapreneur”?

Cory Haasnoot


Make Real Money Online! I Can Show You How With Affiliate Marketing.


Becoming A Distributor!

Are you ready to live the life of your dreams?

Mark Pentecost is truly inspirational in having to live the American Dream. This former public school teacher in Michigan now has a ranch and a private island of his own! He lives by his motto; “We like to make money like Warren Buffet, but we like to hang out like Jimmy Buffet.”

steps to success

If you’re interested in becoming one of their 100,000 distributors, the initial fee is $99.

And it doesn’t stop at that.

There’s a monthly fee of $80 for the products you will directly sell.

By signing up you are entitled to these benefits:

  • A package of products. Your choice.
  • 40% off on products
  • 10% off on your first purchase on any of their apparel, accessories, and business tools.
  • Unlimited access to tools and training

You're also entitled to be called their “wrapreneur”. Not so pleasing as it sounds but, I think anyone can live with that. But this doesn't mean you're just stuck selling their crazy wrap. This company also promotes a ton of products, ranging from beauty and nutrition supplements, clothing, essential oils. tote bags and coffee!

Does It TRULY Work?

Are you ready to live the life of your dreams or would you just be disappointed by false promises?

Hang tight, because you’re in for some intriguing revelations!


If NU Skin has Velocity, It Works has eSuite.

This sales program monitors the volume of your sales, your standing as a distributor, the number of customers you have.

Besides having great access to your teammates, you also get to see updates from them. You have a clear view of their activities and progress as well.


What’s an MLM if it is not multi-tiered or working on different levels? Then it’s not an MLM.

Signing up, your title is “Distributor” and your goal is to reach the top and be the “Diamond Ambassador”. Being at that peak will assure you half a million dollars for income.

Starting in this kind of industry is hard. Let’s all be real. There are no guarantees of when you’ll actually be at the highest level.  You may spend half a decade and still be at the first level. Who knows?

Selling It Works Products! 

crazy wrap thing

Believe it or not, but there are millions of recurring customers of It Works.  Besides the number of skincare products there are also nutritional supplements.

And then there’s this “crazy wrap thing”, the Ultimate Body Applicator, their main product is what actually makes people go gaga over It Works.

Unfortunately, it has no clinically proven long-term benefits.

Anyway, there are other products at IT Works you can endorse. Some are actually vegan, and gluten-free like their Shake and Essential Bars,

Is The Crazy Wrap A Good Kind of Crazy Or Nah?

It Works flagship and the most controversial product is this Ultimate Body Applicator that has convinced quite a few people. Unfortunately, despite the amazing advertising it has, I'm not going to fall for that bait. Why?

Anyone who wants to sell anything would go to great lengths to promote a product. Right? Most MLM's out there are known to have no actual working product. ?I commend their ways of promoting since a lot sure are quite enticing.

So, going back to the crazy wrap thing… How does it really work?
  • Tightens, tones, and firms in as little as 45 minutes
  • Minimizes cellulite
  • herbal and all-natural detoxing
How To Use It?
  • Put the lotion in the area you'll place the wrap then stick it
  • Use plastic wrap, tight body clothing or It Work's “fab wrap”
  • Frequent drinking of water is recommended

Product claims that it works only at under an hour and also says that it's made of 5-6 all-natural things. But what exactly are those? They were never really mentioned.

Requiring to drink water for the wrap to be effective is another thing that's making me a little unsure of this “wrap”. It supposed to serve as the “activating agent” in order to see actual results from using it.

I am not a medical expert but I think it only works because of the placebo effect. It's like having a headache and after drinking medicine you're feeling like the pain is gone already when the truth is…it's just what your mind is telling you because medicines are supposed to take the pain away and you just drank one. In reality, it's about 15 minutes before it actually takes effect.

I believe that if anyone wants to tone a part of their body, it requires more than just using any body wrap. It's going to include proper diet or exercise and such to actually work.

Income Potential 

It Works promises unlimited income. If you’re already thinking that this is a scam, it’s not time to conclude that yet!

Like any other MLM’s you can earn either by directly selling or having a team of people under you.

An average distributor may earn $937 dollars. It’s not really an ideal income considering that you have to pay a monthly fee for products you need to sell. Half a million dollars, that’s your income goal. I would love to earn that much too. But when?

There are distributors at It Works that are actually living the dream. If you want to give it a try, that’s your call.

income potential

Ugly Truths Revealed

Complaints are everywhere. they actually have a C+ rating at

Once you sign up you're entitled to an automatic shipping program for 3 months and canceling it had been a problem for most. There's actually a fee of $50. Another usual complaint is that products have ridiculous claims but have no scientific proofs to as how they work.

I hope earning is as fast as how the crazy wraps assure it works. But it's not. You don't actually get commissions from selling a product because, there's a quota you have to reach. You're only commission qualified for the first your first month.

You need to sell or buy a total of 150 Personal Bonus Volume every month to meet your monthly “Commission Qualified Goal”. Take note that every product has it's equivalent points and the exchange is 1 is to 1. If you sell a product worth $20 dollars this automatically converts to 20 points.

What’s To Like About It Works!

As most Making Money Online ways available, It Works allows you to work anywhere, may it be at home or in a cafe.

Also, social media can be your very platform for endorsing and making transactions. Like Peterson said, “Today’s gathering isn’t at the mall. It’s Facebook.”

It Work lets you undergo necessary training and make sure you’re updated with the latest market trends. Once you become a part of their company, they don’t just allow you to have access to its tools, you are guaranteed with all the support you need.

Besides that, It Works will help you maintain your customers. The number of customers you have may also define your earnings. They will also be busy making offers to them to make sure they stay loyal. Isn’t that great? Customers that stay means more income for you!

It Works guarantees that being a part of their team is a “fun job to do” and it's a “cool place to work”. High-fives at every 3:05 pm in their headquarters? Is it something you find fun? I don't want to be a killjoy or anything but it's not for me. If I'm in the middle of something at that exact time, no high-fives can disturb me,

What's not to like about a company that doesn't give back right? Yes you've guessed it right. IT Works is the fist MLM I've encountered that hosts a charity that donates for cancer research, homeless outreach, and other causes. It is called IT Works! Gives Back Foundation.

Is It Works A Scam?

No public legal issues? I think that’s already a sign that it’s not another pyramid scheme. I am not saying that those who were alleged to be scams are actual fraud.

Yes, It Works is as legit as you can think it is. Unfortunately, as most MLM's success rate is low. Several people have tried but weren't really able to live the life of their dreams as It Works empowers.

Having your own business must take a lot of consideration of all the risks and potentials there is. There's no need to rush on investing on something that sounds like a great deal. To some people MLM isn't just their thing.

Lucky are those who really reach the top and gain millions of dollars. It Works may have not worked for most people. We can never really tell whether you'll end up reaching your goal or be one of those who failed.

The Pros and Cons

You don't just decide to join a networking company without having to think about how it can be beneficial for you. Sure, the offers are without a doubt captivating. But when it comes to investing money and effort you have got to know that there's more to enticing promises and offers you need to consider.

  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly income potential
  • Unlimited access to tools, training, and apps
  • Up to 40% off on products
  • Real-time and clear reports on your sales and to the activities of your customers.
  • Monthly subscription for optional business tools
  • Low success rate
  • There are complaints about ineffective products

Would I Recommend It Works?

Even if it’s not a scam, it’s still a multilevel marketing company. And as I always say, it’s a no for me.

Sure, direct selling is not my thing. But if it’s yours, it’s still your call if you’ll make a run for your money with it.

Also, it has no guarantees of a definite outcome. I’m not the type of person to invest money on something that I can never be sure of when I will hit that quota to be a millionaire.

I think being a part of networking is circumstantial. Success rates are undefinable, but some people really get to live that American Dream.

Affiliate Marketing is for me. That’s what I’m sure of. If you want to find out more about that, check out Wealthy Affiliate!

It Works!











  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly income potential
  • Unlimited access to tools, training and apps
  • Up to 40% off on products
  • Real-time and clear reports on your sales and to activities of your customers.


  • Monthly subscription for optional business tools
  • Low success rate
  • There are complaints about ineffective products

6 thoughts on “Is It Works A Scam? Get Rich Or Go Broke?”

  1. Just like you, if it’s Multilevel marketing then it’s not for me. It works is like recruiting people, taking money from them just so they can help you build your own business, that’s pretty unfair. I don’t see why distributors should pay at all. Income is also low so what’s the point. I think you have done great research to put this up. I totally agree with you, it works is not a scam but its a no-no.

    • Starting an online business in affiliate marketing is the way to in my opinion. You don’t have to rely on others in your down line making sales and there is no cold selling with affiliate marketing. MLM is definitely not for me!

  2. Excellent review you have done up here concerning this “It works” program. However, I have had various bad experiences with MLM platforms before and I lost a lot of money to which I have made claims not to ever join any MLM platform again. However, while reading through this post, I’m glad this is not a scam but then, engaging in direct selling is not really my thing coupled with all these monthly payments and stuff. I’m not sure I want to get myself involved in MLM business as of now. Thanks

    • MLM is not my thing. The main thing I don’t like about MLM is the direct selling that you need to be good at.  And yes there are monthly charges involved as well as overhead in the form of inventory. I like the business model of affiliate marketing much better. With affiliate marketing,you are providing products and services to a warm market usually. I get a sense of helping those people which is the heart of affiliate marketing.

  3. It Works WORKS! I was already with a Network Marketing company when It Works came out but I have many friends that are with the company and are doing well, making money, with it.  I have been in this industry for 15 plus years and I can tell you that It Works is a quality company AND  I will also tell you that even the best company will not work if you do not do the work.  

    • I’m glad to hear that ‘It Works’ Works! Another example that there are legitimate companies online that you can make money from. I agree that with any business you need to work at it and not give up when the going gets tough.


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