MarketPeak Review: Legit or Scam?

Welcome to my MarketPeak Review!

Perhaps you have heard about CryptoCurrency or maybe someone has offered PEAK tokens to you and you want to know if this is legit or not.

Well, you’ve come to the right source, but before you get so excited, first things first.

What is MarketPeak? MarketPeak is an investment platform for FinTech projects and products that offers appealing rewards to its members. MarketPeak operates in the MLM niche and is incorporated in the country of Dubai. The concept behind the creation of MarketPeak is to decentralize the financial platform in the future and provide tokenized projects and products that give back rewards to the community.

By the way, I would like to commend you on taking the time to do your due diligence so you don't get taken by all of the scams and rip-offs that are found everywhere on the internet.

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Rest assured, I would like you to know that I'm not in any way paid by or associated with MarketPeak. This is an honest review for the purposes of providing you, the consumer, and the information necessary so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not MarketPeak is for you!

MarketPeak Review Summary

MarketPeak logoProduct Name: MarketPeak

FounderSergej Heck

Product TypeCryptoCurrency MLM

PriceFree Registration; Membership Packages range from $250 to $7500

Best For: No one

Rating: 1/100

Recommended: No

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What is MarketPeak About?

MarketPeak logo


Has MarketPeak caught your attention? If so, it is good to find out first what the company is all about before making that big step of investment. MarketPeak is a Crypto company that offers Peak tokens; these are the company’s personal cryptocurrency with price fluctuations to match.

These Peak tokens can be directly purchased from MarketPeak and it comes with an affiliate membership. MarketPeak focuses on the crypto MLM space and it is incorporated in Dubai:

PEAK TECH – FZCO, DSO-THUB, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai – UAE

Sergej Heck Founder of MarketPeakMarketPeak is run by its CEO and founder Sergej Heck, who is German by descent. He works with a team of Executives and Advisors who help him manage the company. He is an accomplished author, a global marketing expert, and a blockchain entrepreneur. He also owns and These are two platforms and crypto magazines that teach and inform people about the unlimited possibilities of blockchain technology.

Moreover, Sergej has made a name for himself as he is also known for his focus on execution and he has been recognized for his colossal success in founding a global sales team given a short period of time. He owes his success mainly due to having an extensive understanding of the business, carrying out the proper sales processes, and of course, having people skills.

Sergej has been in the online business for quite some time. He previously worked with programs namely Questra Global and Cryp Trade Capital, thus convincing people to invest in these companies. However, other sources claim that his background is not as clean as a whistle. Sergej appears to have been involved with BeOnPUsh, an MLM company that was found guilty of being a Ponzi scheme 2017.

The vision of MarketPeak is to create a decentralized and stable platform with a global community interested in high-quality projects and products. At the same time, the company wants to enable every user to earn money by setting up the best paid and most independent reward plan based on the decentralized structure of the platform.

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Product Line

Obviously, MarketPeak does not offer products or services that can be purchased by customers. Instead of retailing, clients are asked to purchase the Affiliate Membership and promote it to others. In a sense, MarketPeak presents its company as a medium of earning money.  The members’ task is to invest and recruit many others in the company.

How Does MarketPeak Work?

How Does Marketpeak Work


MarketPeak works as a channel wherein fintech startups, which want to earn money through tokenized crowdfunding, can promote their project to a community with a throng of investors who have gone through KYC and are ready to invest.

The project will be promoted to the right audience with exclusive conditions rather than paying thousands of dollars upfront for inactive and ineffective marketing campaigns. Tokenized assets will be offered on the platform which is similar to how crowdfunding is done. The tokenization will then take its place on the platform itself. The offers will be analyzed and audited prior to its launching.


MarketPeak deems it important to educate the community regarding this business. Even though MarketPeak selects and filters projects and products, the need to understand how everything works are vital for the investors since MarketBlockchain technology and tokenized assets are a complex matter. 

MarketPeak offers various education materials about Blockchain technology, Crypto Currencies, and the future of decentralized financial systems in order to give a heads up to all its customers as they anticipate investment opportunities. MarketPeak members are not obliged to go through training but it would be great to gain more information and knowledge about this industry.

MarketPeak Key Features

MarketPeak also advertises its key features as an advantage to all its investors. They just have to undergo the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure once in order to participate in numerous projects instantaneously without having to register on multiple platforms. They are given early access to projects that offer them better opportunities.

How to Get Started With MarketPeak

MarketPeak Membership Packages

MarketPeak registration is actually free but you are not eligible to earn MLM commissions. You may register at Once registered, you may participate in projects and purchase tokenized products. In order to take advantage of the Education products, members need to purchase a membership package. There are four packages, with different features and different topics, starting from $125.

MarketPeak gives out rewards to everyone who is eager to learn and develop their skills and in return for their purchase, they will be rewarded with PEAK, MarketPeak’s own token. Since Education plays a key role, MarketPeak works only with the best—people who are experts in specific areas to provide the best content for all members. MarketPeak plans to make more collaboration with experts as a way of providing additional membership packages.

How to Make Money

As mentioned, there are different levels of membership that MarketPeak offers. Consequently, your membership level depends relatively on the amount you have invested or want to invest.

MarketPeak Investment Table

Membership Level

Investment Amount























MarketPeak Ranks

There are ten affiliate ranks within MarketPeak.

Newbie – Produce $5000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Rookie – Personally sponsor two Newbie ranked affiliates and generate $15,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Intermediate – Personally sponsor two Rookie ranked affiliates and generate $100,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Advanced – Personally sponsor two Intermediate ranked affiliates and generate $300,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Professional – Personally sponsor two Advanced affiliates and generate $1,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Leader – Personally sponsor two Professional ranked affiliates and generate $3,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Top Leader – Personally sponsor two Leader ranked affiliates and generate $10,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Mentor – Personally sponsor two Top Leader ranked affiliates and generate $20,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Star – Personally sponsor two Mentor ranked affiliates and generate $40,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Super Star – Personally sponsor two Star ranked affiliates and generate $80,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

Alternatively, from the Intermediate rank, MarketPeak offers more recruitment focused qualification criteria:

  • Intermediate – personally recruit four Newbie ranked affiliates and generate $50,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
  • Advanced – personally recruit four Rookie ranked affiliates and generate $150,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
  • Professional – personally recruit four Intermediate ranked affiliates and generate $500,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
  • Leader – personally recruit four Advanced ranked affiliates and generate $1,500,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
  • Top Leader – personally recruit four Professional ranked affiliates and generate $5,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
  • Mentor – personally recruit four Leader ranked affiliates and generate $10,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
  • Star – personally recruit four Top Leader ranked affiliates and generate $20,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume
  • Super Star – personally recruit four Mentor ranked affiliates and generate $40,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary side investment volume

MarketPeak Compensation Plan

MarketPeak affiliates basically invest in what they call PEAK tokens. These PEAK tokens can be invested into several tiers as stated above. Referral commissions are then paid out via a uni-level structure when they are able to invite potential investors who would do the same thing.

In this uni-level compensation structure, an affiliate is placed at the top of a uni-level team. Each affiliate that they personally recruit will be placed directly under them. New affiliates recruited by a level 1 affiliate will be placed on level 2 of the primary affiliate. Subsequently, any level 2 affiliates recruit new members; they will be placed on level 3 and so on until the recruitment reaches level 8. MarketPeak limits the payable team until level 8.

Referral commissions are compensated based on the percentage of funds across the eight levels. The breakdown is as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10%
  • level 2 – 4%
  • level 3 – 2%
  • levels 4 to 6 – 1%
  • levels 7 and 8 – 0.5%

MarketPeak also implements residual commissions where affiliates receive their commissions through a binary compensation plan structure.


A binary compensation plan is a two-leg structure, where the primary affiliate has two affiliates under him or her, who are placed on the right and the left side respectively.

There are two heads or positions on the first level. Then, on the second level, the first two positions are split into two, making it a total of four. The third level will then have 8 positions. Keep splitting the heads until you reach the farthest level.

MarketPeak combines all investment volumes on both sides of the binary. This is done on a daily basis. Outstanding volumes will then be carried over the next day. 

By the way, affiliates are paid between 4 to 8% of the funds invested on the weaker leg. Affiliate tier affiliates receive a 4% residual commission rate while Marketer and higher tier affiliates receive an 8% residual commission rate.

Daily residual commission earnings are capped based on rank:

  • Newbies and Rookies can earn up to $560 a day
  • Intermediates can earn up to $1040 a day
  • Advanced can earn up to $1520 a day
  • Professionals can earn up to $2000 a day
  • Experts can earn up to $2560 a day
  • Leaders can earn up to $3040 a day
  • Mentors can earn up to $3520 a day
  • Stars can earn up to $4000 a day
  • SuperStars can earn up to $5040 a day


Reviews | Complaints | Ratings

A lot can be said about this company. Warning bells start to ring once you hear its name. You have also heard about its founder but he has a pretty bad record with his previous scam involvements, which makes it doubtful for anyone to invest in his company. Furthermore, the PEAK tokens are actually useless outside of Marketpeak. You can neither trade it nor purchase anything with it. You are investing in nothing but the company’s compensation plan. That’s all there is to it.

Legit or Scam?

 I know you are dying to know the answer. I am sorry to say this but MarketPeak just ticked off all the boxes on the caution list. Almost everything about the company is shady. The truth is that there is nothing legitimate going on around here, regardless of how presentable and enticing their compensation plan may be. 

Remember, MarketPeak does not offer retail products or services. You only get to promote the compensation plan. Another thing is that they put so much emphasis on recruitment and luring people into the company. That means, no recruited members, no income. Most importantly, the company is on the coming close to committing securities fraud all because they do not have the proper authorization to carry out the said financial investments. 

My Affiliate Recommendation

Wealthy Affiliate can be a great start for anybody who wants to start earning online. Unlike MarketPeak, in Wealthy Affiliate, there is:

  •         No start-up cost
  •         No recruitment required
  •         No hard-selling
  •         Great community
  •         Step-by-step training guides

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