Welcome to what is Farmasi About?
In a world where you see companies in every corner, it can be difficult to choose the perfect company to join. There can be different niches in this industry. These niches can be health and wellness, cosmetics, fashion, fitness and weight management, and more. You also have to consider the compensation plan that each company offers.
What is Farmasi about? Farmasi has evolved from being a pharmaceutical manufacturer to a world-renowned cosmetics company. Although Farmasi products are more affordable in the market, the company is growing and expanding. They are also considered as one of the most honest MLM companies in the market today.
So, how is Farmasi different from the other companies? Not much.
Before we get started I would like to commend you on taking the time to do your due diligence so you don't get taken by all of the scams and rip-offs that are found everywhere on the internet.
That's how you find the legit way to make money online!
I would like you to know that I'm not in any way paid by or associated with Farmasi. This is an honest review for the purposes of providing you, the consumer the information necessary so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not Farmasi is for you!
In this article, I will discuss the history of Farmasi and how it evolved. The products are over 2000 to select from. The compensation plan and bonuses for the affiliates. The things that I like about them and my final thoughts.
If you’re looking for these things, then you’re in the right article.
Let’s get started.
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Farmasi Review Summary
Product Name: Farmasi
Founder: Dr. C Tuna
Product Type: Multi-level Marketing
Price: Farmasi products and affiliate one-time payment costs are affordable even if they are in the MLM industry. The prices would range from $10-$50 per product. If you want to become an affiliate, you only have to pay $19.99 (one-time) to be active.
Best For: People who love cosmetics, recruitment, and personal selling.
Recommended: No
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What is Farmasi About?
Dr. C Tuna, the founder of Farmasi, started out as a pharmaceutical manufacturer in the 1950s and evolved as an MLM company in 2004.
To understand how big Farmasi is, I’m going to divide their strengths into two categories.
- State-of-the-art Manufacturing Company
Farmasi has one of the largest cosmetics manufacturing plants in the world located in Istanbul, Turkey. This manufacturing plant produces all the bulk products and most of the in-house packaging.
- Record-Breaking Direct Selling Company
In 2010, the company started its direct selling marketing tactic in Turkey. After 7 years of doing so, they had experienced triple-digit growth. They are now operating in 25 different markets, launched more than 2000 products, and are selling in over 125 countries worldwide.
Farmasi is offering 4 brands for their products. In 2004, they announced the Farmasi brand. By 2009, they started offering the Dr. C Tuna. In 2014, they introduced the Mr. Wipes brand. And, they launched the Nutriplus brand in 2015.
If you join any multi-level marketing company, you should check the products available and if it’s affordable. In the next section, I will be discussing the products of Farmasi.
Farmasi Products
Since Farmasi has thousands of products available in the market today, I’ll go through the categories and product lines. The categories of their products cover Beauty, Household, Wellness, and Personal Care including:
- Makeup
- Skincare
- Footcare
- Haircare
- Fragrance
- Accessories
- For Men
Some of the ingredients that are being used by Farmasi:
- Black Seed Oil
- Tea Tree Oil
- Activated Charcoal
- Avocado Oil
- Aloe
- Calendula
- Paprika Balsam
- Pure Rose
- Lavender
You can find out more about the products and catalog that are being offered by Farmasi by going here.
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What I like about Farmasi is that they don’t test their products on animals. To know more about their stand and statement on Animal Testing, you can go to this page.
As mentioned earlier, the prices of the products of Farmasi ranges from $10-$50. Compared to other companies, this is so much cheaper compared to Vasayo or MyDailyChoice.
Here are some of the reasons why the customers of Farmasi are loyal to them:
- Affordable products
- A supporter of Ethical Treatment and Animal Rights
- Product production is done in an ecological environment
- Non-GMO
- Paraben-free
- Formaldehyde-free
- Dermatologically tested
- Phosphate-free
- Heavy Metal-free
- Passes the Standard of Good Manufacturing Processes
In the next section, I will try to explain to you (as best as I can) the compensation plan of Farmasi.
Farmasi Compensation Plan
Like all other MLM companies, Farmasi will try their best to entice you to work under their business opportunity program. But what separates them from the rest? Actually, not much.
If you choose to become a Farmasi beauty influencer, you must first buy a welcome kit of your choice. The higher the price of the kit, the more products, and brochures you’ll get. The least expensive of them all is the Starter Kit worth $19.99 plus the shipping cost.
As a beauty influencer, you’ll have these benefits:
- Discounted packages and kits
- 50% discount on all Farmasi products
- Personalized Farmasi website
- Access to personal reports and back office
- And more
- Welcome Program
For the first 4 months that you’ve joined Farmasi, you will get special products every month if you can get at least 200 personal volumes.
2. Founders Club
This is open to the first 100 beauty influencers who achieved the 25% bonus level. Once you do not fulfill the requirements of this club, you will be removed and the next person in line will join. Here are the advantages:
- Free shipping on ALL orders
- Free monthly samples – premium pack of the month
- Free website exposure – you will are featured on the official website of Farmasi
- Free leads – you will are invited on corporate events and have the opportunity to gather new leads
- Eligibility to visit their largest factory in Turkey to see all the stages of production
- Exclusive Early Access – you will receive new products earlier than other members for you to test out the product
3. Team Building Program
If your active recruit for the month was able to buy at least $250 worth of products on the same month of enrolling, you will earn $30.
4. Personal Bonus
In this bonus, it’s important to look at the Group Volume of your entire team and your Personal Volume as well. Check the table presented below:

If your Group Volume reaches 1600 and you have a personal volume of 1000, you will be on the 15% range, which is $150.
5. Group Bonus
This one is a bit tricky compared to the earlier ones. This bonus will only record your 1st generation of downlines, meaning your first recruits. Check the table presented above:
For example You have 3600GV which means you have a 22% bonus. Janette is on your 1st generation and she has 900GV or 15% bonus.
The formula would be (Your bonus – Janette’s bonus) * Janette’s GV = Group Bonus
Or it would look like this: (22%-15%)*900GV = $63
6. Leadership Bonus
In this bonus, I will not even try to explain it because it’s one of the most confusing bonuses I’ve ever seen. (This is also one of the reasons why I don’t recommend MLM).
See the table below for the guide for this bonus. If you want to dive into it deeper, you can go to this page.

7. Car Allowance
Depending on your level as a beauty influencer, you will get a car/travel allowance. Here’s a breakdown of how much you can get:

8. Cash Bonus
Farmasi awards you if you can get higher rank as an influencer and maintain that position for at least 5 months. Here’s a breakdown of the cash bonus:

9. FarmaCity Discovery Program
If you achieve a certain rank, you will have the chance to visit the “FarmCity” where the company began.
Reviews | Complaints | Rating
Since Farmasi started to expand in the U.S. last 2019, I can’t find a lot of complaints regarding the quality of the products or unsatisfied beauty influencers. Although, there are a couple of complaints filed in BBB.org.
Here are some of it:
*Note: You can check the full dispute conversation on the site of BBB.org.
Is Farmasi a Scam?
There are 3 things that I look at in order to consider a business a scam.
- No “real” founder
- No products to sell
- Focus on recruitment only
As you may have read above, Farmasi has all these qualifications. The founder is Dr. C Tuna which is an awarded and certified in his works. The product lines are being tested and proven with their years of experience in the industry in Turkey. Also, you can definitely earn money from the company even if you do not recruit.
With these thoughts in mind, I can confidently say that Farmasi is NOT a scam. Although, it's worth taking note that it can be difficult to join any MLM companies, especially in the world today.
You might want to read the “How to Earn in Multi-level Marketing: Is It Worth the Risk?” article since I’ve tackled all the secrets that you’ll encounter if you join MLM. Plus, research shows that almost 90% of the people who join this industry actually lose money!
Affiliate Marketing Recommendation
If you’re looking for an opportunity to earn money without tangible investments, then I suggest that you look at affiliate marketing. Compared to MLM, you don’t have to recruit and hard-sell products in order for you to succeed.
You may also want to check out Wealthy Affiliate because it’s the platform that helped me through my affiliate marketing business.
Here are just some of the advantages of Wealthy Affiliate:
- No start-up cost
- No hard-selling
- No recruitment
- Training is provided