About Cory


Cory HaasnootWelcome to Income Generating Solutions or IGS for short. My name is Cory Haasnoot. I’m the guy who started this website. The reason that I have pursued creating this website is that I grew tired of working for someone else.

I have worked in a factory for most of my life as a sheet metal worker. The demand for my time was not compensated by the pay I received. I spent hours away from my family making someone else rich. I couldn't do that anymore. There are many of you out there in the same boat as I was. It doesn't have to be that way.

We don't even know if social security will be around when we want to retire. A person can no longer rely on the government or another company for their financial and retirement future!

Your Future Is In Your Hands

I knew there had to be a better way to make money than the daily grind and rat race I found my self in. Day in and day out commuting to a job I disliked and after the bills were all paid, I have nothing to show for it. It’s rinse and repeat. A dead end.

There is a better way to make money, and that way is affiliate marketing. A person needs the right tools and training to be able to make it happen. Don’t get me wrong; online business is just like any other business. It takes a lot of hard work, time and patience to make it happen but it is very achievable.

Financial Freedom & Time Freedom Can Be Yours

More than likely you are here because you want a better life, financial freedom, and time to spend with family and friends. I’m here to tell you that you can have all that. I created Income Generating Solutions to help you achieve those goals. So if you are committed to building a life that you want and are happy with, then, I’m committed to helping you achieve it!

I’m a real person ready to help you by providing you all the tools you need to succeed in affiliate marketing. If you are ready great, I would like to get to know you and help you build a foundation that you can rest assured will get you to where you want to be in life and help you break away from that 9 to 5 grind! Press Play and let us get started!



Cory Haasnoot | Income Generating Solutions