How To SEO Articles – Discover How To Get Ranked


Do you want to know how to SEO articles for affiliate marketing so that you can get them ranked well in the search engines? Search engine optimization is not hard to do as long as you know what steps to take to do it. In this lesson, I will show you exactly what you can do to help your articles get ranked in the major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Once you rank well in the search engines, chances are that your rankings will stay that way. You will then start profiting from the result of your SEO efforts because the search engines will consider you an authority in your niche. And that's a great place to be financially and successfully!

What Is SEO?

How To SEO Articles

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. Search engines use algorithms to help rank content that the search engine bots seek out. There are many things that you can do to optimize your articles so that they rank well in the search engine results page or SERP for short. Search engine bots will look for the most relevant content for specific search terms and they rank this content accordingly.

In the following, I will show you some of the most important SEO techniques that you can utilize to help get your content ranked well in the SERP. If you put into action these techniques you will see results in your rankings for the articles that you post. Along with these techniques you want to create quality articles that are relevant for the keyword/phrase that you write your content about.

On Page SEO

On Page SEO

On page, SEO are techniques that you can do in your article that is on your website so that you get better rankings in the search engines. I will show you four techniques that you can utilize for on page SEO.

Internal Linking

Once you start getting more content on your website you will want to start doing internal linking. In an article, you will want to link a certain word or phrase to another article on your site that is relevant to the keyword you are linking that article too. You only have to do one internal link in each article. It helps to have a game plan before you write out your articles so that you can decide in advance how you're going to relate each article to one another.

Search engine bots love this internal linking because it helps them make sense of the overall structure of your website. Make sure the words that you link to your other articles are relevant to that article and you will make the search bots happy and in return, they will be happy at ranking your article higher up in the SERP's!

Outbound Linking

Outbound linking is the opposite of internal linking. With outbound linking, you want to pick a word or phrase and link it to some other website that you deem as an authoritative source. This technique is used as a reference of sorts. It shows the search engines that you are not just about making money for yourself. In essence, it shows the engines that you are not being selfish.

You are probably asking yourself “What sites should I link to”? Wikipedia is a good site to do your outbound linking to. It's a dry and boring straight forward website that is considered an authority site. Make sure the word that you link to Wikipedia is relevant to the page on Wikipedia that you link it to. Search bots are not dumb and they will see the descendency it the word and the page are not relevant to one another and your article will be penalized for that.

Keyword Placement

Keyword Research

Keywords, probably the most important factor in SEO. First, off you will want to pick a keyword/phrase that specific enough for your niche that you are writing about. When picking your keywords/phrases you want high search volume and low competition. I will go through keyword research in another article because it is a whole article in its self. But once you have the keyword/phrase you are writing your article about you will want to place that keyword/phrase in certain areas in your content.

You will want the keyword/phrase within the first paragraph of the article. If it works it's best to put it in the first sentence of your article but if not the first paragraph will do. Use the keyword/phrase sparingly throughout your article only writing it in naturally. The keyword should also be placed in the last paragraph or two of your content. Don't force the keyword in where it does sound natural. Search bots will see that and consider what I call keyword spamming and you will get penalized for that.

Place the keyword in the title of your article. You will want the keyword/phrase in your meta title and meta description as well. One thing I want you to understand is don't overuse keywords in your article! Over-saturating your content with a keyword/phrase will get you penalized and you will not like your results. Make it flow naturally.

Alt Tags In Images

You will want images within your content. Make sure that you have your keyword in the Alt tags of your images. Doing this shows the bots that the images are relevant to the content you are writing about. Also use more than one image in your content and make sure the images are somewhat relevant to the content itself. You don't want a picture of a pig when the article is about a cow. And you don't want an alt tag to say pig when it is an image of a cow.

Off-Site SEOOff Site SEO

Off-site SEO are things that you can do with your content and your brand that are not done on your website. I have a list of four things that you can utilize off-site that will help you get ranked well in the SERP's.

Social Sharing

For every article that you write you will want to post it to your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Doing this will not only get your article out there to the masses but it gives you backlinks to your content which will intern help in the ranking of your article.

URL Submission

Submit the links to your article to the Search engines. With Google, you can use the URL Inspection in Googles Search Console this use to be called Fetch as Google. For Bing/Yahoo you want to go and submit the link to your article in Bing Webmaster Tools. You can also update and submit your sitemaps in both Bing/Yahoo and Google.

Doing these techniques for every article that you write will get you indexed and ranked much quicker.


Once you become an authority website people will start to notice this and start backlinking to your content. A lot of the time people will use you as the authority site that they link their outbound links to. Sharing your articles socially as I said earlier will also get you backlinks. All of this will help your rankings in the SERP's!

Word Of Mouth

Getting the word out about your brand helps as well maybe not in the rankings but more people will possibly do a search for your content. To get the word out you can have bumper stickers made up, put your logo and website URL on just about anything these days. You can sell or give these things away and people will be essentially a walking advertisement for your business. The sky is the limit on how many people will see and be interested in your brand and potentially become your customers. Before we had the internet word of mouth was a big part of getting your business seen.

SEO = Long Term Profits

Long Term Profits

If you use all the techniques in this article and your content is of good quality then you should see results in the rankings of your articles. Make sure when doing your keyword research that you pick keywords/phrases that are high in search volume and low in competition.

These are just some of the ways on how to SEO articles. There are many others but these are the most essential techniques to use that work. Like I said at the beginning SEO is not hard to do you just need to know how and what to do. Now you know some of the key factors in making your articles SEO friendly.

I hope you enjoyed this article and got some useful information from it. That is my goal with Income Generating Solutions is to help you succeed in your affiliate marketing business. We all want to enjoy a financially secure life away from the headaches of the rat race 9 to 5 world. It can be done and I will help you get there.

If you want a secure financial future and want to start making money from home and be your own boss I can help you get started. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE BUT YOUR BOSS!!


If you have questions or comments please leave them in the comments section below. Thanks for reading and here to your success!

4 thoughts on “How To SEO Articles – Discover How To Get Ranked”

  1. Thanks for this great information Cory! I have recently been learning about search engine optimization, and whilst I am finding it super easy to find the right keywords, I haven’t yet ranked, and have learned a little more from the useful tips and pointers you’ve left here. Thanks for sharing.

    • Rankings in the SERPs can take a while depending on how old your website is. If you keep posting quality content on a regular basis you will start to rank better for the keywords that you have chosen along with a lot of other factors but time and consistency is a big one.

      Thank you for your kind thoughts and you are welcome. With IGS I’m trying to help as many people as I can to start and build a solid online business that will help them break the financial chains they might be in. Good luck on your SEO and your online business!


      Cory Haasnoot

  2. Okay, cool, I’m glad I’m on the right track as I actually updated most of my articles on one of my blogs last night with internal linking. Took a few hours but we got there. I still need to outbound link that particular site. On my other niche site, I’ve been doing both inbound and outbound linking (thanks for the Wikipedia justification, I wasn’t sure if this was good to do or not) but I still need to add alt tags. Luckily, I only have 37 articles on one site and 42 on the other, as they’re both very, very young. 

    • Sounds like you are well on your way with SEO. Using Wikipedia is fine to use as an outbound link and Google considers Wikipedia an authority website from what I have heard. Take care and good luck!

      Cory Haasnoot


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