Learn SEO Optimization – Discover the Tricks of the Trade!

Learn SEO Optimization

Do you want to learn SEO optimization? Then you are in the right place. In this article, I will show you some of the tricks that you can do in and off your web pages that will gain you the needed Google juice that will get you better search engine results like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
Learn SEO Optimization

I'm going to show you work for all three of the significant surgeon if you haven't been using these SEO optimization tips in your web pages you know are missing out on getting better ranking and more traffic to your website. We all know the more traffic that comes to our website the more opportunities we have you convert that traffic into paying customers.

What is SEO?

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of optimizing your web pages so that they get ranked higher in the search engines for the content that you post to your website. The goal is to get your content ranked number one in the search engine results page or SERP. Being number one in the search engine results potentially leads to more traffic to your website.

There are many optimization techniques that you can do on and off your web pages to get you closer do that number one ranking. There is no Surefire Magic Bullet get you two number one, but there are many optimization techniques that you can use. That's exactly what I'm going to teach you today.

On-Page SEO Optimization

There are many things you can optimize on your webpages that will help you rank better. The following are techniques you should utilize in your website content and on your website.

Do Your Homework – Keyword Research

One of the most essential SEO techniques you want to do is proper keyword research. Before you even start writing your content you want to make sure you are using a keyword Flash phrase as high search volume and low competition. They call these low-hanging fruit keywords. These types of keywords you will want to utilize a keyword research tool.

The best SEO keyword research tool is called Jaaxy. I use Jaaxy for all of my keyword research. It's one of the most important tools I have in my arsenal to help me find keywords for my online content.

Where Do I Place The Keywords?

Keyword Research Tool

Once you find the keyword Flash that you will be using in your content, you'll want to know where to add them in your article. First, you will want to put your keyword/phrase in the title of your post.

Second, you want to make sure the keyword/phrase is in the first paragraph of your article. Thirdly place the keyword/phrase at the end of your article somewhere in the last few paragraphs.

What you don’t want to do is keyword stuff your content. If your keywords are placed in your article too many times, it makes the content sound unnatural, and the search engines will penalize you for doing that. So don’t do it!

Linking Structure

When it comes to linking within your content, you will want one internal link. An internal link is a keyword phrase that's on your website. For example, let's say that you have a phrase in your content that is “affiliate marketing programs,” and you previously wrote an article that is published on your website that is about affiliate marketing programs. You would want to link the phrase “affiliate marketing programs” to your post that’s about affiliate marketing programs.

The more relevant the words are to the post you link them to the better. You will want to try and plan the internal linking before you write your article. This way you can plan to have these keywords that are related to your other articles and incorporate them into your content. Doing this will also make your content sound more natural instead of throwing keywords in at the last minute.

The search bots use this internal linking structure to make sense of what your website is all about. It gives the search engine a road map, if you will, to follow.

The other type of linking you will want to do is called external linking. You will want one external link going to an authority site. You can pick a random word in your content like let’s say the word business and link It to a website that has a page about business. I usually use Wikipedia for my authority source. Doing this shows the search engines that you are not hogging all the links for yourself.

As for affiliate links in your content, I wouldn't have more than 3 to 4 affiliate links for an article of a thousand words. As your word count grows for an article, you could add more.

Alt Tags

Make sure that you use the Alt tag within your images. You want to use the relevant keyword in Alt tags. For example, if the image is of a horse, you would want your Alt tag to have the word horse in it.

Rich Snippets For Reviews

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets Are those little stars that you see at the beginning search engines description of a web page. There are three plugins you can choose from to add Rich Snippets to your website. They are:

  • WP Product Review Lite
  • All in one Schema Rich Snippets
  • WP Rich Snippets

The best plug-in by far for adding Rich Snippets to your website descriptions is the WP Product Review Lite plug-in. I use this one on my website. It's highly customizable if you have the paid program and it looks great. Using Rich Snippets in your product reviews will give you a better click-through rate as well as a higher ranking in the search engines.

Comments At The End Of Your Posts

You want to get your visitors to be engaging with your content. The best way to do this is to have a comments section on your webpages. This way your readers can ask questions or comment about the content. Search engines like this because it shows that your content is interesting. Comments will compliment your existing content and boost your word count up in an article. Search engines usually will rank webpages higher up in the results for webpages that are 1000 words and up.

Secure, Fast and Mobile Friendly Webpages

Mobile Friendly

The last tip for getting your webpages SEO optimized is to have a host that offers fast servers and has SSL Certificates that you can add to your site. The certificates make your domain start with the “https” which means it’s secure and people trust that more than websites that don’t have that.

In this day and age where more and more of our web traffic is coming from mobile devices like Ipads and smartphones, you want your website to look good on these mobile devices and load fast as well. There are two ways you can go about making sure your website is mobile-friendly. The first is to have a mobile compliant theme. The second way is to use the plugin AMP for WordPress.

Google has a couple of free tools that you can use to 1 find out if your website is mobile compliant and two how fast your webpages load. The following is the links to these free tools:

Off Page SEO Optimization

There are a few things you can do outside of your website that will help you rank better in the SERP’s. You will want to do these things after you have published your webpage.

Post On Social Media Sites

Post On Social Media

Once you have your content published to the web, you will want to go out and share it on social media. Use sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Youtube. Go to these sites and make sure you have a business account on them if available. Do a post about your content that is captivating and makes people want to engage with your content.

Make sure to post a link back to your webpage from these social sharing sites. Doing this for every piece of content you post to your website will not only give you more exposure for your website but also will create backlinks to your content. Search engines use backlinks as a measure of how they rank your web content.

Google’s Search Console

Make sure you have your website hooked up to Google’s Search Console tool. You can use the URL Inspection feature to submit your webpages to let Google know that you have a new page and that you would like them to index it. Doing this ensures Google will find and index your content in a fast and efficient way. Only do this once for each piece of new content that you put out. You don’t want to tick Google off!

Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing has something of the same thing as Google’s Search Console. So make sure your website is also connected to a Bing Webmaster Tools account. You can go there and submit your site to Bing and Yahoo to let them know that your new page exists and you want it indexed as soon as possible.

Create Videos

Create Videos

Videos are becoming a big thing these days, and it’s only going to grow I believe as time goes by. So why don’t you create a video for each webpage that you publish and then submit the videos to Youtube or Vimeo? You will want to then, link your video back to your webpage that the video is about.

SEO Optimization That Works!

These SEO optimization techniques work. You just have to put them into practice every time you write an article. Let’s recap on what we have learned today. I showed you there are two ways to do SEO. The first way is:

On Page SEO

  • Keyword Research – before you write your content you will want to do keyword research using a keyword research tool such as Jaaxy. When using Jaaxy, you want to find low-hanging fruit keyword I have a high search volume and low competition.
  • Keyword Placement – what is your keyword phrase in the title of your content in the first paragraph of the content and somewhere at the end of your contact don't see word stop your content.
  • Alt Tags – Put keywords phrases Alt tag of the images that are in your content.
  • Rich Snippets – 4 reviews yours Rich Snippets in your review post.
  • Comments – allow comments at the end of your posts
  • Have a Secure Website – make sure your website as SSL certificate (https)
  • Fast Loading Website – the loading speed of your website should be fast use Google site speed tool to test your site.
  • Mobile-friendly – your website should be mobile-friendly use Google mobile compliant tool to check if it is.
  • Linking structure – you want one internal link to one of your previously published articles and One external link that goes to an Authority site. Place no more than 3 to 5 affiliate links per piece of content.

SEO Optimization

Off-Page SEO

  • Social Media – For every piece of content you publish write a social media post about it and link it back to your content.
  • Google Search Console – sign up to Google search console with your website and use the URL inspection to submit your content pages to Google.
  • Bing webmaster tools – connect your website to Bing webmaster tools and submit your articles to bang in Yahoo.
  • Create Videos – make a video for every article that you write and publish them to YouTube and Vimeo with a link back to your content.

If you learn SEO optimization, you will start seeing results in your search engine ranking. These techniques are not hard to do. With practice, you'll become a pro at it. Get your webpages found on the internet by using these SEO techniques.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below. Thank You!

Content Writing Sites – Outsource Your Content To These Quality Sites

Content Writing Sites

If you're looking for content writing sites there are thousands on the internet. The problem is weeding out the poor quality content writing site and finding good quality sites. Having someone else write your content can really help you scale your online business. It gives you time to focus on other aspects of your business. I will introduce you to 2 of the best content writing sites that you can leverage to write quality content for you.

Introduction To Content Writing Sites

Content writing sites are great for when you can't write or don't want to write for your own website. Using a content writing site gives you more time to focus on other aspects of your online business. These sites hire many different authors to write content for their clients. The expertise of these authors vary and will be dictated by the price you pay per article written.

You can choose different kinds of content as well. Such as:

  • Product descriptions
  • 500 Word Articles
  • 1,000 Word Articles
  • 2,000 Word Articles

The higher the word count in the material the more it will cost to have the content written. The authors usually get paid per word depending on the level of the author they are. An author is pre-screened by the content writing site and usually given a rank of some sort on their skill level. The higher the skill level, the more it will cost you per piece of content.

Each content writing site will be a little different in the price of the articles and how they rate their authors. In the following article, I will introduce you to each of the two content writing websites that I feel are the best.

The following are two websites that I have used in the past for my content outsourcing needs.


Textbroker is a content writing site that is very professional and laid out nicely so that you can navigate easily. There are three ways you can order your articles on Textbroker.

  1. Open Order – Your content order will be shown to authors who meet your preferred content rating.
  2. Direct Order – Your content order will be shown to the authors of your choosing.
  3. Team Order –  Your content order will be shown to a team of authors of your choosing.

There are nine order templates that you can choose from. You will use these templates to help present what kind of content you would like a particular author to write about. These templates are used to create your order. In each template you choose:

  • Type Of Order
  • Project
  • Rating Of Author – From 2 to 5 stars
  • Category your content is about
  • Processing Time- From 1 to 10 Days
  • Word Count
  • Title of Your Content
  • Keywords to use in the Content
  • Briefing

Nine Order Templates to Choose From

  1. Empty Template
  2. Blog
  3. Blog Ideation
  4. Order Guidelines
  5. Press Release
  6. Product Description
  7. Social Media Facebook
  8. Social Media Twitter
  9. Website Content

Price For Self Service

The cost of the content will depend on the word count of the content ordered and the rating of the author. For example, on the cheap end of the spectrum, 400 to 500-word article written by a 2-star author will be only $6.85. If you want an article that is 1,000 to 1,250-word count and a 5-star author to write the content, it will cost you $90.35.

As you can see, there is a big difference in the price range for content. In my experience with Textbroker, the 4-star authors give you excellent content, and the price is around $30 for a 1,000 to a 1,250-word article. The 2 to 3-star authors are not worth your time because more times than naught you will get a low-quality article which will have to be totally rewritten. I will leave that up to you to decide.

Textbroker takes Paypal or credit cards for your payments which you deposit money into your account before placing your content order. It's an easy and straight forward way to pay for your content. I have used Textbroker many times and have been very happy with the results of the 4 to 5-star authors.

Managed Service

If you have a big project you would like Textbroker to take on there is a managed service option they have on offer. Some extra's with the managed service offer is:

  • Custom made service packages at competitive prices.
  • A dedicated project manager
  • Creation of the author briefing
  • Editor services
  • Guaranteed delivery dates
  • Additional content services available
  • Unique content in 36 languages
  • Worldwide translation services

The price for managed service on Textbroker starts at $2,500. If you have a big project, you need done and have a budget of at least $2,500 you might want to consider using the managed service of Textbroker for your project.


iWriter is a content writing site that I use to get quality content written for me. The navigation of this platform is easy to navigate. I have been pleased with the quality of content I have received from this website. The ordering process is easy, and there is a video upon clicking on the order content link. The following is the information that they ask in the ordering process.

  • Project Title – Here you name your project whatever you want.
  • Load From Template? – If you have a previous project that you would like to use again, you can load that project here.
  • What Would You Like? – An article, Rewrite, Ebook/Kindle
  • Category – Pick a type that your content will be related to.
  • Language – The language you want your content written in.
  • How Many Articles You Want.
  • Keywords
  • Word Count
  • Writer Level – You can choose the level of the writer you want. You pick from Standard, Premium, Elite, Elite Plus.
  • Enter the amount you are willing to pay per piece of content.
  • Brief Project Description
  • Creative Brief – Choose from company information, target audience, tone of writing, sourcing requirements, objective, things to avoid, and things to mention.
  • Submit Project to specific iWriters.
  • Confirm Your Order – Here you can save as a template for future use if you like.


Find Writers

A feature called Find Writers is found on the iWriters platform. With this feature, you can search the authors that iWriter has written for them. You are given highlights of the author such as a description of the author, his/her rating, how long the author has written for iWriter, languages that they speak and how many articles they have written for iWriter. This feature is great for finding just the right author for your content writing projects.


The price for written content from iWriter varies depending on the level of the author and the word count of the content. A nice feature of iWriter that Textbroker doesn't offer is you can set your price per content. You have to remember that you get what you pay for so if your price is low you will not get the best quality content.

Unlike Textbroker, iWriter only offers Paypal as a deposit option. Another feature I like about iWriter is that you can choose your author which is great if you find an author that has written you quality content. You can use that author over and over again and not have to worry about the quality of content you will be getting.

Which Content Writing Site Will You Choose?

Now that you understand content writing websites and how they work you can choose which one you want to use. Will it be Textbroker, iWriter or both? I have used both sites in the past to test them out, and both of them are excellent writing sites to use for your content.

Just remember that you get what you pay for. You can get cheap content but it will probably need a lot of editing on your part and will not rank well in the search engines. Google loves quality unique content, and in the end, we are trying to provide quality content to our readers. We also want Google to rank it well so that we can get that content to our audience and make some sales!

If you want to outsource your content writing so that you can focus on other aspects of your online business, then Textbroker or iWriter is worth investing. Content is King when it comes to affiliate marketing and your online business. Why not have a professional author take care of it for you? Here are the links to the two content writing sites that I recommend:

Thank you for reading. I hope this article has helped you in your quest for content writing websites. As always if you have any questions or comments about affiliate marketing or online business, please leave them in the comments section below.

Take Your Affiliate Marketing Business To The Next Level 

How To SEO Articles – Discover How To Get Ranked

How To SEO Articles


Do you want to know how to SEO articles for affiliate marketing so that you can get them ranked well in the search engines? Search engine optimization is not hard to do as long as you know what steps to take to do it. In this lesson, I will show you exactly what you can do to help your articles get ranked in the major search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Once you rank well in the search engines, chances are that your rankings will stay that way. You will then start profiting from the result of your SEO efforts because the search engines will consider you an authority in your niche. And that's a great place to be financially and successfully!

What Is SEO?

How To SEO Articles

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. Search engines use algorithms to help rank content that the search engine bots seek out. There are many things that you can do to optimize your articles so that they rank well in the search engine results page or SERP for short. Search engine bots will look for the most relevant content for specific search terms and they rank this content accordingly.

In the following, I will show you some of the most important SEO techniques that you can utilize to help get your content ranked well in the SERP. If you put into action these techniques you will see results in your rankings for the articles that you post. Along with these techniques you want to create quality articles that are relevant for the keyword/phrase that you write your content about.

On Page SEO

On Page SEO

On page, SEO are techniques that you can do in your article that is on your website so that you get better rankings in the search engines. I will show you four techniques that you can utilize for on page SEO.

Internal Linking

Once you start getting more content on your website you will want to start doing internal linking. In an article, you will want to link a certain word or phrase to another article on your site that is relevant to the keyword you are linking that article too. You only have to do one internal link in each article. It helps to have a game plan before you write out your articles so that you can decide in advance how you're going to relate each article to one another.

Search engine bots love this internal linking because it helps them make sense of the overall structure of your website. Make sure the words that you link to your other articles are relevant to that article and you will make the search bots happy and in return, they will be happy at ranking your article higher up in the SERP's!

Outbound Linking

Outbound linking is the opposite of internal linking. With outbound linking, you want to pick a word or phrase and link it to some other website that you deem as an authoritative source. This technique is used as a reference of sorts. It shows the search engines that you are not just about making money for yourself. In essence, it shows the engines that you are not being selfish.

You are probably asking yourself “What sites should I link to”? Wikipedia is a good site to do your outbound linking to. It's a dry and boring straight forward website that is considered an authority site. Make sure the word that you link to Wikipedia is relevant to the page on Wikipedia that you link it to. Search bots are not dumb and they will see the descendency it the word and the page are not relevant to one another and your article will be penalized for that.

Keyword Placement

Keyword Research

Keywords, probably the most important factor in SEO. First, off you will want to pick a keyword/phrase that specific enough for your niche that you are writing about. When picking your keywords/phrases you want high search volume and low competition. I will go through keyword research in another article because it is a whole article in its self. But once you have the keyword/phrase you are writing your article about you will want to place that keyword/phrase in certain areas in your content.

You will want the keyword/phrase within the first paragraph of the article. If it works it's best to put it in the first sentence of your article but if not the first paragraph will do. Use the keyword/phrase sparingly throughout your article only writing it in naturally. The keyword should also be placed in the last paragraph or two of your content. Don't force the keyword in where it does sound natural. Search bots will see that and consider what I call keyword spamming and you will get penalized for that.

Place the keyword in the title of your article. You will want the keyword/phrase in your meta title and meta description as well. One thing I want you to understand is don't overuse keywords in your article! Over-saturating your content with a keyword/phrase will get you penalized and you will not like your results. Make it flow naturally.

Alt Tags In Images

You will want images within your content. Make sure that you have your keyword in the Alt tags of your images. Doing this shows the bots that the images are relevant to the content you are writing about. Also use more than one image in your content and make sure the images are somewhat relevant to the content itself. You don't want a picture of a pig when the article is about a cow. And you don't want an alt tag to say pig when it is an image of a cow.

Off-Site SEOOff Site SEO

Off-site SEO are things that you can do with your content and your brand that are not done on your website. I have a list of four things that you can utilize off-site that will help you get ranked well in the SERP's.

Social Sharing

For every article that you write you will want to post it to your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Doing this will not only get your article out there to the masses but it gives you backlinks to your content which will intern help in the ranking of your article.

URL Submission

Submit the links to your article to the Search engines. With Google, you can use the URL Inspection in Googles Search Console this use to be called Fetch as Google. For Bing/Yahoo you want to go and submit the link to your article in Bing Webmaster Tools. You can also update and submit your sitemaps in both Bing/Yahoo and Google.

Doing these techniques for every article that you write will get you indexed and ranked much quicker.


Once you become an authority website people will start to notice this and start backlinking to your content. A lot of the time people will use you as the authority site that they link their outbound links to. Sharing your articles socially as I said earlier will also get you backlinks. All of this will help your rankings in the SERP's!

Word Of Mouth

Getting the word out about your brand helps as well maybe not in the rankings but more people will possibly do a search for your content. To get the word out you can have bumper stickers made up, put your logo and website URL on just about anything these days. You can sell or give these things away and people will be essentially a walking advertisement for your business. The sky is the limit on how many people will see and be interested in your brand and potentially become your customers. Before we had the internet word of mouth was a big part of getting your business seen.

SEO = Long Term Profits

Long Term Profits

If you use all the techniques in this article and your content is of good quality then you should see results in the rankings of your articles. Make sure when doing your keyword research that you pick keywords/phrases that are high in search volume and low in competition.

These are just some of the ways on how to SEO articles. There are many others but these are the most essential techniques to use that work. Like I said at the beginning SEO is not hard to do you just need to know how and what to do. Now you know some of the key factors in making your articles SEO friendly.

I hope you enjoyed this article and got some useful information from it. That is my goal with Income Generating Solutions is to help you succeed in your affiliate marketing business. We all want to enjoy a financially secure life away from the headaches of the rat race 9 to 5 world. It can be done and I will help you get there.

If you want a secure financial future and want to start making money from home and be your own boss I can help you get started. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOOSE BUT YOUR BOSS!!


If you have questions or comments please leave them in the comments section below. Thanks for reading and here to your success!