Lifebrook: A Revelation Or Another Disappointment

Welcome to my Lifebrook Review!

As time passes, technology advances. And as it does, this leads people to multiple breakthroughs and discoveries. It sure is amazing how “eureka” moments bring people answers to a ton of questions.

Lifebrook claims to have made a scientific breakthrough that can eventually change the world of health and wellness. They declared to have discovered a miracle that can possibly nourish millions of people’s lives.

Let’s say they have the key to enriching people’s health, but will they have the edge in nourishing their wealth too?

I introduce you to Lifebrook!

Before we get started I would like to commend you on taking the time to do your due diligence so you don't get taken by all of the scams and rip-offs that are found everywhere on the internet.

That's how you find the legit way to make money online!

I would like you to know that I'm not in any way paid by or associated with Lifebrook. This is an honest review for the purposes of providing you, the consumer the information necessary so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not Lifebrook is for you!

lifebrook logo

Lifebrook Review Summary

Product Name: Lifebrook

Founder:  Tony and Jennifer Heisterkamp

Product Type:  Multi-level marketing company

Price:  $49 or an optional Fast Start Pack worth $140

Best For: anyone who’s interested in nutritional supplements and may find an opportunity in selling them as well.

Summary:  Lifebrook is not a scam though there may be some red flags you would want to consider before becoming an advocate. Like most MLM companies out there, whether it’s new or not, at this point, it’s difficult to earn profits.

If you’re aiming to avail the products, you have to see for yourself if it works because there is no available evidence to back up their claims.

Rating: 15/100

Recommended:  No

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We want what’s best for our self, especially for our families. There’s no doubt about that. Who doesn’t want to stay healthy anyway?

I think it’s a great thing how even younger people are getting more adamant about being fit and keeping track of their nutrition. To be honest, though there is a cure available for most illnesses, kids nowadays can be the target of even the most horrible diseases out there. Scary, I know.

At this point and generation, a 3-year-old can be diagnosed with diabetes or worse. It’s really necessary to take care of ourselves regardless of feeling no minor physical pain may it be as small as joint pains, headaches, or whatsoever.

Keeping oneself healthy may somehow be a little expensive but the hospital bills are a bigger burden if you won’t ever be concerned with your nutrition.

That’s usually the target of most businesses out there; offer you something that can somehow improve your wellness so you can enjoy life and live worry-free from any possible health issues.

You may have wanted that too, and Lifebrook will offer you something that will help you boost your defenses, pack you with nutrients, and help you make a living from it as well!

What Is Lifebrook?

lifebrook tagline

A small discovery can be an answer to what seemed to be a helpless problem, or better, it can turn out as a million-dollar worth idea.

People’s undying curiosity has solved most of the world’s problems and that’s a fact. It usually arrives from the needs people want to be met, or a gap one wants to bridge.

The founder of Lifebrook, Tony Heistercamp had problems he needed to solve too. The discovery of the flagship product of this company came from his need to find a natural approach regarding his hand inflammation and joint pains.

Someone told him about the antioxidant effects of Aronia and have experienced its results as well. That’s where it all started.

Once he made a breakthrough from his thorough research, along with his wife Jennifer they focused on growing Aronia. 

If you made a discovery about something that you found useful, why keep it to yourself? So that’s what they did, they informed people about it, find the opportunity to turn it into a business, and settled to creating a networking company.

This company was established in 2005. Considering that some networking companies stood for decades like Avon or Mary Kay, this company compared is still like a child too far from adolescence.

Anyway, as much as I want to go further about this company’s background, there’s not much information even if you check their site.

Cory Haasnoot


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Product Line

I think it’s concerning how any business can state claims regarding the effectiveness of the product they are endorsing but couldn’t give out any proof for that.

Lifebrook had a designated page on its website that includes all the known research conducted on Aronia Berry. They have not mentioned whether these are done specifically by Lifebrook so I have looked through a few of them.

Unfortunately, I haven’t found anything that was cited directly back to Lifebrook.

Moving on, as this company has stated, and as much as the research has proven, this Aronia berry is beneficial in the following aspects:

  • Eye health
  • Brain health
  • Circulatory and heart health
  • Digestive health
  • Joint health
  • Blood health and more

This purple berry is told to be used way back for its healing properties. Generations have benefited from the nutrients it provides and it’s capacity to maintain good health.

Lifebrook assures that their products are made in the purest quality and can actually change your life if consumed every day.

lifebrook aronia

I went over their page and I was surprised to find 2 items. Most MLM companies had a huge range of categories that is somehow or sometimes already out of their specific niche.


As mentioned in their site, this is an ultimate superfood that is beneficial for your body.

It contains pure Aronia berry juice and if consumed twice daily, you’ll achieve and feel the results.

lifebrook puronia

What exactly are the benefits to expect?

  • More energy
  • Boosts immune system
  • Healthy joints
  • Clear thinking
  • Better sleep
  • Improved digestion

Overall, you’ll feel rejuvenated!

Available in quantities of 4,8 and 12

Retail Price: $80/ 4 pack Preferred Customer Price: $64/4 park advocate Price: $64/4 pack


There are tons of multivitamins out there that you can purchase anywhere. The price range is usually the only thing that differs from each other, and most may have the same effects it's intended to do.

But Lifebrook is offering “a multivitamin with a difference”.

So what's so unique about Vitronia? The known fact that it contains Aronia? I may have failed to put a pun on that.

Anyway, as stated, it contains all the essential minerals and vitamins that cannot be provided by modern food.

If taken daily, it's supposed to give you the following benefits:

  • restore key nutrients that are vital in creating healthy cells in your body.
  • boost your immune system

Retail Price: $40Preferred Customer Price: $32Advocate Price: $32

I like how Lifebrook includes the prices of their products according to how you will be as a buyer, either a customer or an advocate. Unlike other companies such as Traverus that gives no information about their packages. Worst-case scenario, others will require you to become a consultant to get the privilege of viewing the prices of their available merchandise.

How To Earn Money From Lifebrook?

Becoming An Advocate

If you're really keen to be a part of a business wherein it promotes a healthier lifestyle while having the chance to earn a living, you can easily apply to their website!

Register as an Advocate for only $49.95 and enjoy the following perks:

  • a year of access to Lifebrook's Business Center, replicated site, training, and tools.
  • access to “Try Purple” Marketing which is a “done-for-you” marketing system that enables you to have the tools to share, present, enroll, educate, and duplicate teams with ease. This is worth $100.

Or you can purchase the Advocate Fast Track Pack worth $140 that will give the following benefits:

  • 6 bottles of Puronia and 2 Bottles of Vitronia (equivalent worth of $200)
  • a year of access to Lifebrook's Business Center, replicated site, training, and tools.
  • first-year access to “Try Purple” Marketing

Compensation Plan

Like any other MLM companies out there, the profits you get are solely based on the success of your team. There will always be a heavy focus on recruiting since, it's as obvious as it gets, direct selling will never be enough.

You will only be entitled to an increase in income if you rank higher as well. It's no surprise that we'll only go over and over about the fact that you can only earn an ideal income at this kind of business model by building your team non-stop.

The possibility of earning is not in the company's hands but in yours. It will all depend on your effort and eagerness.

Making money is hard, and it will only be easier when you love what you do.

If you can convince a ton of people who are as conscious about their health as you are, and have them enroll in your team, then that's great news. You're not only expanding the circle of healthy people but also giving yourself more chances for a bigger profit.

According to their compensation plan, there is 6 possible way you can earn under 3 phases:

Marketing Phase: commission from personal product sales1. 20% retail commission2.  20% bonus value from any Preferred Customer you enroll at Lifebrook3.  20% bonus on Fast Start Pack

Leadership Phase: the profits you make from the sales made by your downline4. 5 levels deep of 10% Bonus Value from Advocate Team bonuses5.  5 levels deep of 55 Bonus Value from Preferred Customer level bonuses

Executive Phase: The incentives you acquire from helping people from your team reach a higher rank6. up to 3% of executive bonuses.

Executive Ranks:

  • Independent Advocate Rank
  • Business Builder Rank
  • Team Builder Rank
  • Team Leader Rank
  • Director Rank
  • Executive Director Rank
  • Senior Executive Rank
  • National Executive Rank

To aim high is not bad, but the progress you make is what's hard. Stepping up at one rank is not a piece of cake. If it were that easy we could've been all millionaires by now.

Unfortunately, there are certain requirements to meet. You don't just level up without doing nothing. It's like playing Mario, there are obstacles to surpass and you know how difficult it is. You make the wrong move and you go back to the start.

But in terms of business, there are obvious struggles and you can ever move forward unless you have the right skills for it and has the proper strategy to get your way through.

Each executive rank has a qualifying Personal Volume you need to acquire. The harder part is, staying on the level you are in. There are also requirements you have to fulfill to keep yourself on that level. You wouldn't want to start from the beginning again.

Ugly Truths Revealed

No Proofs Of Product Claims

We all want to have the idea of whether a product we consume will work for us or not. IT is also important to note that it may work you but not for me. Certain ingredients may have different effects on people. I wouldn’t want something that claims to be effective and harmless would, in the end, make me suffer instead. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

No Income Disclosure Statement

If a business can’t provide the necessary evidence to prove that its products are safe and effective would I still be surprised if they can’t show any Income Disclosure Statement? Of course, not.

Besides not taking the risk for products that aren't proven safe and effective, I may not gamble on a business that cannot be transparent.

Limited Products

If I were to endorse something, I'd like to have a wider range of products to offer. It's just that I don't want to bore my potential customer with one or two merchandise.  As a shopper myself, I'd love to have a lot of options.

This just allows me to have a bigger range of earning as well. The more products I offer, the better the chance a customer may buy any of it. Or, if lucky he buys one per category!

It's not bad to be hopeful.

Anyway, most MLM companies have various categories to offer, and sometimes products are out of their specific niche. But I don't think it's a bad thing.

What I Like About Lifebrook

Overall, what I like about going over Lifebrook is that it's new and has a unique ingredient that they can be distinguished for. Plus the way of their advertisement to people who visits their site.

I somehow like how specific they are to what they can provide but unfortunately, there is a lot of information they lack to give out.

Also. the fact that you can have access to a replicated site, and some training tools to get started.

And that's just about it.

Is Lifebrook A Scam?

Lifebrook is far from being a scam, even though there are a few aspects you might question them about.

Even if this company had grown to become a hit, I still won't recommend it.

What I Would Recommend

The comfort of working from home is not just inviting but once you get the chance to do so, it gives you more time for everything. Besides the fact that it spares you from hours of travel to your office and the expensive fare as well, you can have the ease of working anytime and at your own phase!

There are vast opportunities you can choose from but being in an MLM company has never appealed to me.

If a networking company tells you that you can be a part of a lively and optimistic company that also gives you endless ways to earn, do not settle with it. Why?

Because Affiliate Marketing allows you to do that and so much more! Moreover, without the hassle of committing to achieve unrealistic requirements!

Haven't you changed your mind yet? I will let Wealthy Affiliate do more convincing!

Success starts with you, and it starts today, only if you choose the best option!












  • A new company
  • replicated site
  • training and tools


  • no proofs of product claims
  • no income disclosure statement
  • limited products

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